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The death has occurred of:

Nancy McDonnell

McDONNELL (née DILLON), Anne (Nancy) - June 16, 2020 (Clonark, Cornafulla, Athlone, Co. Roscommon) (peacefully), at her residence, predeceased by her husband Tommy, beloved mother of Marguerite Cairns (Monksland), John Joe and Thomas (Clonark); deeply regretted by her family, brother Tommy (Arcadia), son-in-law Peter, daughter-in-law Elaine, adored grandchildren Rachel, David, Emily and Lauren, nieces, nephews, relatives, carers, neighbours and friends. R.I.P. Due to Government restrictions Nancy's Funeral will take place in private. A Memorial Mass for Nancy will be held when restrictions are lifted. Condolences can be sent via RIP.ie
