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The death has occurred of:

Tony Lee

LEE (Dublin Road, Tuam and late of Belclare, Co. Galway) -  September 22, 2020 (peacefully), at UCHG, Tony,  National Deputy President Community Games Ireland; sadly missed by his wife Peggy and his family, Gerard and his wife Korin, Derek and his partner Vero, Robert and his wife Susan, Audrey and her partner John and Gregory and his partner Alex, grandchildren, sisters Mary Ann and Teresa, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends. Funeral Mass will take place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Tuam tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon for immediate family only in keeping with government advice and HSE guidelines on public gatherings. Funeral afterwards to Tuam Cemetery. Tuam Cathedral webcam https://www.tuam parish.com/web-cam   The Lee family appreciate your respect, support and understanding at this time. Those who would like to leave a message of condolence may do so at groganfdcondolences@gmail. com Rest in Peace
